

Bibliography 07: Arms and Warfare

A bibliography of works about the remarkable and consequential “military revolution” that was playing itself out on battlefields, in sieges, and by recruiters in town squares and taverns. Armies of pikemen, musketeers, cannons, and cavalry were growing larger, and it was a challenge to pay these massed forces. Part of a larger Dutch and Flemish Studies Bibliography.

Bibliography 06: Arts and Natural Philosophy

A bibliography focused on how the arts and the burgeoning world of natural philosophy (that would in time evolve into the scientific method) appeared in the Renaissance-era Netherlands. This is the realm of the chambers of rhetoric and the minds of Simon Stevin and Carolus Clusius. Part of a larger Dutch and Flemish Studies Bibliography.

Bibliography 04: Religion and Education

A bibliography focusing on the religious developments and turmoil of the Renaissance-era Low Countries—Calvinism, religious exile, and smaller sects—as well as educational efforts of Humanist scholars and the university at Leiden. Part of a larger Dutch and Flemish Studies Bibliography.

Early Modern Dutch Language Resources

Understanding a language from four hundred-plus years ago is a challenge: spellings are not standardized, word meaning change, handwriting is alien, and idioms are lost. This is made more complex when English speakers must learn and translate early modern Dutch. Here are some resources I use.

Map of Northwest Europe, c. 1560

The Europe of the mid sixteenth century, at the dawn of the Dutch Revolt, was one of contrasts: a transitory peace between major powers with roiling social and religious turmoil about to boil over into war and carnage that would continue into the following century.

By this point in European history, you'll note many familiar names, but an equal number of borders and states that exist in vastly different ways in the 21st Century.