A Quick and Dirty Intro to Research in the SCA

⚠️These are SCA Class Notes which were originally hosted on my SCA-focused portfolio HugoVanHarlo.com. I have since retired that website and have consolidated all my historic interests here to RebelsOrBeggars.com.

🔗 Please update your bookmarks if you have the old URL saved.

  • Goal: To show that research is, fundamentally, an outgrowth of our own curiosity given a structure to better help us find and interpret historical sources. This class will equip students with a basic understanding of best practices and mindsets when it comes to research (e.g. choosing to move from speculation to documentation), give students a basic framework and methodology for their own research.
  • Accompanying Documents: Slide deck that Hugo lectures from, as well as a front-and-back student handout with references.
    View the Research Resources page or a list of relevant databases, archives, and academic search engines.
  • Class Length: 60 minutes. This necessarily means the information covered here is fairly high-level, and there’s little time for depth or follow-up questions – however, this class is being paired with a subsequent hour-long workshop to allow for those interactions.