Academic Programs & Communities
Scholarly projects, programs, university departments, and societies related to Renaissance-era Dutch and Flemish studies.

Scholarly Projects & Centers
- Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age: An inter-disciplinary program at the University of Amsterdam, home to several working groups, approaching the Dutch Republic between 1550 and 1750.
- The Atlantic World: America and the Netherlands: A project exploring the Dutch presence in America and the interactions between the United States and the Netherlands through history.
- Centre for Editing Lives and Letters (CELL) at UCL: Equal parts academic program and scholarly working groups.
- Cultures of Knowledge – Networking the Republic of Letters, 1550-1750, at Oxford: Working group leveraging digital humanities teqchniques to map and understand early modern scholarly networks.
- Early Modern Exchanges (EME) at UCL: Focused on the complex cultural, economic and social exchanges between early modern states in the Old World and beyond in the period 1450-1800.
- ePistolarium – Circulation of Knowledge and Learned Practices in the 17th-c. Dutch Republic: A database and visualizations of 20,000 letters from and to 17th-century scholars working in the Dutch Republic.
- Mapping the Republic of Letters at Stanford: Leveraging data visualization and digital humanities technology to map scholarly networks “from the age of Erasmus to the age of Franklin.”
- Leiden University’s Dutch Revolt Resources (in Dutch): A central collection of extant documents and scholarly resources relating to the conflict. Some content is also available in English.
- Low Countries Collections at the IHR Wohl Library: A collection of approximately 4,500 books and textual sources – many of them extant – about and from the Low Countries.
- Rhineland Exiles and the Religious Landscape of the Dutch Republic, c.1550-1618: Documenting the experience and impact of refugees who fled to the German Rhineland amidst the tumult of the Dutch Revolt.
- Transregional History at KU Leuven – Crossing Borders in Early Modern Times: Uncovering the impact and influence of early modern boundary formation and transregional relationships.
- Yvette Hoitin, While not an academic proper, Yvette frequently posts relevant sources and news.
Scholarly Organizations
- Center for Renaissance Studies at the Newberry Library: Programs and publications leveraging the library’s early manuscripts, printed books, and other materials.
- Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender: Scholarship on women and gender across the early modern world.
- American Association for Netherlandic Studies (AANS): Promoting the study of the Low Countries and organizing scholars in the United States.
- Association for Low Countries Studies (ALCS) in the UK & Ireland: Promoting the study of the Low Countries and organizing scholars in the UK and Ireland.
- Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies / Association canadienne pour l’avancement des études néerlandaises (CAANS/ACAEN): Promoting the study of the Low Countries and organizing scholars in Canada.
- Historians, researchers, museum staff, archivists – and anyone with an interest in Dutch history. Designed to centralize scholarly news of upcoming events, publications, and research.
- Historians of Netherlandic Art (HNA): Gathering art historians and fostering scholarship of the art and architecture of the Netherlands (Dutch and Flemish), c. 1350-1750.
- Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands: The Huygens Institute studies the history of science, Dutch history and literature with a focus on applying new technology to advancing digital humanities..
- Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek (IVN) / International Association for Dutch Studies: International association of academics involved in Dutch Studies “in the broadest sense of the term.”
- Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap (KNHG): The Royal Dutch Historical Society (KNHG) is the largest organisation of professional historians in the Netherlands.
- New Netherland Institute: The United States’ preeminent organization in preserving, translating, and promoting the history of the Dutch colonial experience in North America.
- Sixteenth Century Society & Conference: Interdisciplinary focus on the long sixteenth century, ca. 1450-ca. 1660.. Most known for its journal and annual conference.
Historical & Preservation Societies in the Low Countries
- Vrienden van de Wijenburg (NL): Local historical organization focusing on the Wijenburg manor home in Geulders.
Dutch & Flemish Studies in the United States
- UC Berkeley: Dutch Studies
- Columbia: Studies of the Dutch-Speaking World
- UCLA: Dutch Studies
- University of Indiana: Dutch Studies (Department of Germanic Studies)
- University of Michigan: Dutch & Flemish Language Studies
- University of Washington: Art History in the Netherlands