Will Phillips

Will Phillips

Roelant Savery and His Memento Mori

Off to a funeral today. Memento MoriRemember that you, too, will die. 🙏 Like and follow Rebels or Beggars on Instagram, Facebook, and online! ☙ facebook.com/rebelsorbeggars☙ instagram.com/rebelsorbeggars☙ rebelsorbeggars.com Born in 1576, Roelant Savery emerged as a prominent figure in the…

Georg Loesser and Nuremberg’s House of Twelve Brothers

When it’s Saturday morning, you’re still groggy, and your coffee-loving girlfriend says she’s out of her caffeinated bean juice. 🙏 Like and follow Rebels or Beggars on Instagram, Facebook, and online! ☙ facebook.com/rebelsorbeggars☙ instagram.com/rebelsorbeggars☙ rebelsorbeggars.com This 1605 portrait depicts Georg…

On Authenticity in the SCA

This weekend I’ll be at an SCA event, wearing very silly late 1500s clothing, sitting on a panel in a school classroom discussing authenticity in our organization. I like historical authenticity, accuracy, plausibility. I like looking the part. I like…